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Revision as of 03:10, 4 December 2024 by Flutters (talk | contribs)
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Disclaimer: This page does not reflect the attitudes of current, or past Staff members.

LocationUnited Kingdom
Time zoneUTC+1
Language(s)English, Cantonese, Mandarin, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch
GenderFemale (she/her)
Hongkongggag information
Current rankVeteran
Social networks

flutters or Skye was an admin at 852 Resurgence.

She was the first staff member after Card0 before her resignation on the 1st of December 2024 GMT+8 with her term lasting from early 2019 making it nearly 5 years.


flutters was never fond of the "Card0 dictatorship" jokes in which on several occassions has this joke surfaced, from April fools in 2021 (Republic of YUU), 2022 (Imperial Federation of Hongkonggag), 2023 (People's Republic of Hongkongggag) and when flutters and andi resigned where a joke of this new era started off with a photo of Card0 being framed in the image of Mao Zi Dong [1][2][3] and as a supreme leader[4][5]. Within which Card0 has used multiple times the "I am founder" card.

This way of leadership in which the founder frames himself as suprior also can be seen in Admin Controversy, Study Server Ownership Conflict (flutters forced to transfer ownership to Card0) and, old YUU Credits System.

By putting this mindset as people join into 852 Resurgence allows for the members to look up to Card0 as a supreme leader, in which can be shown with members "jokingly" making edits where Card0 is in place of a supreme leader and making a heirarchy [6], alongside an illusion that the members matter.

As supreme leader, this mindset can be further justified by the will of wanting something done immediately. One of the reasons for the resignation is that flutters had no time, and that Card0 was constantly pinging staff for events and study sessions despite no one having enough time for this.