DepressedSteggy is a member of 852 Resurgence. He was the Ambassador for CKY.
DepressedSteggy first joined The Resurgence WhatsApp GC in late 2019, he would become more active in the group during the early days of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, his behavior was considered subpar alongside another member: Brendon. Both members were under the age of 13 and as such, Card0 enacted a U13 rule, banning them both from the group.
However, Card0 would also create a separate U13 chat where U13 members of The Resurgence would be sent to. However, it was quite inactive. DepressedSteggy would also be invited to Resurgence Elite in the aftermath of the Kaden Crisis but would be removed for inappropriate behavior.
At some point, DepressedSteggy was invited to become an Ambassador for CKY.
After turning 13, Card0 would decide to fully unban DepressedSteggy from all Hongkongggag institutions during mid 2021.
On March 31st 2022, he was demoted due to insensitive comments about medical workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.