Cantonese Cursing Copypasta
我屌你老母天地初開九十九代都係柒頭撚樣, 係垃圾狗屎戇鳩無撚用, 代代生意失敗欠債破產賣哂屋企啲女人去做雞俾人屌到臭閪男人就俾人屌屎忽仲要無錢收生生世世無得返身呢啲先叫冚家剷爆香啲蒜頭打埋個靚獻抬你班撚樣出嚟獻世指住你個鼻嚟恥笑笑到你龜頭都縮撚埋入肚臍變自己屌自己笑到個個碌哂地
我屌你老母 芝士漢堡 屌你老豆 宿埋一舊 屌你家姐 快過火車 屌你個妹 免費續會 屌你呀爺 笑口畸畸 屌你呀麻 泰國喇嘛 屌你阿哥 好過渣波 屌你細佬 好過去賭 屌你個仔 唔驚有鬼 屌你個女 唔驚制水 屌你屎忽 化痰止咳 屌你個閪 清心潤肺 屌你個咀 豬籠入水 屌你肚臍 心曠神怡 屌你老母仆街陷家產食屎收皮啦屌你. 戇撚鳩鳩食撚晒賓州咁屌你老母咁既仆街死樣.
你係生出黎俾我屌撚柒嫁啦仆街陷家產. 屌足你十世,屌你老母正仆街陷家產屌你祖宗十八代仆街含家產你老母生鼓脹,你老豆生龜頭癌呀柒仔施主收皮啦傻仔你老母日日要比人屌就係因為你呢d咁既傻仔呀慘過做雞同企街證明你條契弟祖宗十八代都作孽,生你件仆街仔,九成九冇屎忽我頂你個肺插你個胃按你肚池機關制屌你子孫十八代 代代冇春代含撚啦你仆街含家產九歲學人睇咸片 十歲食忽得 十一歲學人奶屎忽 十二歲做鴨 十九歲生愛滋 廿歲腦膜炎 二十一歲個樣仲巢過春袋 二十二歲生花柳生到鳩頭都甩撚埋 食撚屎啦屌你老母祖宗十鳩撚春鳩柒代撚頭西屎啦!屌你老母斬你全家你老母老婆比我強姦十次八次啦絕子絕孫啦你正一狗雜種我屌你老母啦你老母一定用屎餵大你條死戇鳩仔 你呢條敗類你條撚樣想唔屌你都唔得, 你個臭貨老母同野狗苟合生埋你呢啲仆街仔廢柴有爺生無乸教不知所謂多行不義必自斃屌你老母杏家產死傻西阻撚住晒個地球轉正一冚家剷屌你老母臭花西! 你老豆老母性器官一定有問題啦 生你條撚樣出黎冇賓周冇精蟲死基佬我屌鳩柒你就梗架啦我係鐘意屌鳩你祖宗18代個春袋呀你吹撚柒碌我脹啊?
Cathay Pacific Safety Video Copypasta
From the moment you begin your journey, we're here to make the experience effortlessly smooth and enjoyable because your safety is important to us. Please take a few minutes to watch our video. 由而家開始,我哋會展開一段舒適誠心嘅飛行旅程。請用幾分鐘留意呢段短片,因為您嘅安全對我哋嚟講係好重要。 if you're traveling with hand luggage or large items make sure they're stored in the overhead compartments for takeoff and landing. 如果您有隨身攜帶手提行李或大型物件,喺航機起飛同降落前。請確保放喺櫃裡面。Personal electronic devices using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth should be switched off now or you can set them to airplane mode. Transmitting devices cannot be used in the aircraft. If any electronic devices become trapped in your seat please don't adjust your seat and ask our crew to help you. 而家請關上各有無線上網同藍芽功能嘅電子用品又或者將佢哋調較到飛行模式。任何傳送設備都唔可以喺機艙內使用。如果有任何電子產品𤗈咗喺座位裡面,請唔好擅自座位並通知我哋嘅機艙服務員。You can place any small items underneath the seat in front of you. 您可以將細件嘅物件放喺前面嘅座位下。This is a non-smoking flight smoking or using e-cigarettes anywhere in the aircraft is against the law. 呢班喺禁煙航班,喺機艙任何地方吸煙或使用電子煙都係屬於違法。Your seat belt fastens and unfastens like this. To adjust it pull the strap until tight. We also have seat belts available for children under two. The seat belt should be worn whenever the seatbelt sign is switched on. We recommend keeping it fastened even if the sign is off. 請依指示扣好或者解開安全帶。需要調較嘅時候可以將安全帶拉緊。我哋亦有提供兩歲以下嘅兒童專用安全帶。當扣上安全帶嘅燈號亮起,請必須扣好安全帶。即使燈號消滅,我哋亦建議閣下繼續扣好。Oxygen masks will drop automatically if they're needed. Pull the mask down firmly, place it over your nose and mouth adjust it to fit and breathe normally. Oxygen will flow without the bag inflating and ensure that your own mask is fitted correctly before helping others. 氧氣面罩會喺有需要嘅時候自動跌下。請用力拉下面罩,蓋於您嘅口鼻上面。調較到合適嘅位置然後坐作正常呼吸。氧氣袋無需亦能提供氧氣。請先戴好您嘅氧氣面罩再去照顧其他人。Your life jacket location is shown on the safety card, which is in your seat pocket. To use the life jacket place it over your head, loop the strap around your waist and fasten the buckle. Then pull the strap firmly to tighten it. 您個椅袋裡面有一張安全指示卡,清楚列明救生衣嘅位置。穿著救生衣嘅時候,先將救生衣套喺頸部。將腰帶圍著腰並扣好,然後索緊腰帶。Only inflate your life jacket when leaving the aircraft. To inflate it, simply pull the red toggle down firmly or blow into the tube it also has a whistle and a light. 當離開機艙嘅時候,先至將救生衣充氣。需要充氣嘅時候,只需要用力拉下紅色手制或者用充氣管吹氣。救生衣上面附有有哨子同燈。 If needed our crew will provide life jackets for children and inflatable cots for babies. 如果有需要,我哋嘅機艙服務員會提供兒童救生衣或嬰兒浮床。If there's an emergency or you hear the phrase: "brace, brace" adopt the position shown in your safety card. 緊急情況下,或者聽見「brace, brace」。請根據安全指示卡做出保護自己嘅姿勢。 The escape path lighting switches on automatically during an emergency. Please follow the crews' instructions and go to the nearest exit. 緊急情況下逃生路線嘅照明系統會自動亮起。請遵照機艙服務員嘅指示到最近嘅逃生出口。Our crew are pointing out the exits now. 機艙服務員正為您指示逃生出口。Please take a look at your safety card for what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency. 請查閱您嘅安全指示卡,了解緊急事故嘅逃生程序。Now that we're almost ready for takeoff, make sure that your tray table and TV are put away. Your seat should now be in the upright position and your seatbelt fastened. 我哋即將起飛,請確保摺檯同埋電視已經收好。請將椅背較直同扣好安全帶。Finally and just as importantly, enjoy the journey. 最後,祝各位旅途愉快。