Drea is a member of 852 Resurgence. She was an Admin between October 2019 and July 2021, resigning afterwards as a result from her detachment from the community.
Drea was one of the first members to join The Resurgence having joined on the first date. She was a prominent member of the community, providing help whenever she could.
In October, due to her efforts and devotion towards the community, she was promoted to Admin. She helped sort out several issues such as the infamous U13 Crisis, Kaden Crisis and the 2020 September Religious Debates.
Drea became inactive after the March Reforms, eventually leading to her resignation in July 2021 after Card0 and other staff members contacted her about her activity,
As of December 2021, Drea is still present within 852 Resurgence and The Resurgence, but has not been active since July 2021.